Friday, August 29, 2008

Found On A Bookshelf

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0020 . . . OPEN:

As I think I've mentioned in at least one entry, I have more than a few fortunes scattered all over my condo. I found three more earlier this morning.

I was taking a book from one of my bookshelves. As I was moving some stuff out of the way, I noticed three little slips of paper. They were fortunes that I had forgotten about. And now, I present those fortunes for your enjoyment:

"The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his ways."
"Versatility is one of your outstanding traits."
"You have an active mind and a keen imagination."

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Buffet, Another Fortune

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0019 . . . OPEN:

Saturday, I went to another restaurant for lunch -- the aptly if unoriginally named Asian Buffet. They have a decent buffet. They usually have a fairly decent sushi selection, but it seemed to be somewhat limited the day I went there. I have seen them with a better sushi selection on previous visits. Maybe they were saving the sushi for the dinner crowd that night.

The other selections on the buffet were pretty good. They had a few items Saturday that I don't regularly see at any of the other Chinese restaurants.

And of course, the meal ended with a fortune cookie (even though I waited until I got home to eat it). The fortune from this cookie read as follows:

"Something nice is coming to you in the mail."

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

No Wrong Way To Eat A Fortune Cookie?

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0018 . . . OPEN:

Do you have any particular pattern when it comes to eating a fortune cookie? Is there any particular ritual that you use for eating the cookie, and reading the fortune?

With me, it depends on the circumstances surrounding the meal. If I'm eating alone, I will usually stuff the fortune cookie (still wrapped) in my backpack or in my pocket. I tend to wait until I get home before I unwrap the cookie, break it open, eat the cookie, and read the fortune. I find this especially true since I started this particular online journal.

If I have bought a batch of cookies at the mall's food court, I get them in a bag. The bag definitely goes in the backpack, and I wait until I'm home. Then, it's a case of waiting until I have more than a few free moments, and I crack them open all at once. (It usually helps if I'm in the mood for a little snack.)

In both cases, it's a matter of keeping track of the fortunes. I don't want to lose them, or have them scattered to some distant corner of my condo, so I open the cookies where I can keep them at hand while I write an entry.

If I'm eating with friends . . . well, that's a different matter. If we're eating Chinese (or Korean, or at any other Asian restaurant that gives you a fortune cookie at the end of the meal), we share the fortunes with each other.

There is even a particular ritual one group of friends uses for sharing our fortunes. One person starts by picking one person in the group at random, and asks that person a question. The person being questioned replies by reading his or her fortune. He or she then asks another person a question. This continues until the first questioner is asked the last question, and replies with the fortune from his or her cookie.

Are there any other interesting fortune cookie rituals out there?

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Fortune For Lunch

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0017 . . . OPEN:

I went to 8China Buffet for lunch last week. No particular reason; I was just in the mood. As usual, the food was excellent. And of course, there was the fortune cookie at the end of the meal.

I actually misplaced the cookie for a day or two, which is why it took so long to write this entry. The fortune in my cookie said this:

"Don't be hasty, prosperity will knock on your door soon."

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