Monday, February 9, 2009

Another Saturday Night

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0036 . . . OPEN:

Another Saturday night at work, and another reason to get takeout from Oriental House. At the most fundamental level, that's what it is. It's next door to where I work, it's the most convenient place to get something to eat, and the food is pretty good. And that's how I spent my Saturday night.

Another selection from the lunch specials as well. this time, it was Hong Kong Chicken. A batter-dipped chicken breast, fried, covered in some sort of gravy along with plenty of stir-fried vegetables -- mushrooms, broccoli, snow pea pods, baby corn, and carrots. As always, the food is good, but then again, I don't think I have had anything bad from them.

And capping the meal was the fortune cookie, with this fortune:

"Drastic means are not as necessary as you think."

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0036 . . . CLOSE

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