Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Delayed Thanksgiving Fortune, Sort Of

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0109 . . . OPEN:

I went to 8 China Buffet for lunch today. I had planned to do it for Thanksgiving, but my timing had been a little off, and I wouldn't have been able to eat there and make it to work on time. So, this year I had to go with my backup choice for Thanksgiving dinner -- Golden Corral.

I still wanted to have lunch at 8 China at least one more time before the end of the year. Since I had the day off today, I decided that today would be as good a time as any.

I left the restaurant pleasantly stuffed -- maybe even a little overstuffed. I hereby confess, I probably overdo it just a little whenever I'm at any Chinese buffet.

I did manage to save just a little room for the fortune cookie. And here is what the fortune said:

"All the answers you need are right there in front of you!"

Well, if I'm on the Internet (as I am right now), that may indeed be the case. Either that, or if I'm reading the Hong Kong Book Of Kung Fu.

JANUSFILES2 . . . ENTRY #0109 . . . CLOSE

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